Saturday, July 27

Ragnarok Online Beginner’s Guide | Basic hotkeys and Commands

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Ragnarok Online have some hotkeys.This can open by Menu bar but slower than hotkey.

Basic Hotkeys

  • To open your Status Menu – Alt + V
  • Inventory – Alt + E
  • Skill tree – Alt + S
  • Equipments and Stat – Alt + Q
  • Option – Alt + O
  • Opens hotkeys for skill – F12
  • Hotkeys for Skill or Item – F1 to F9
  • Emotion Menu – Alt + M
  • To sit or stand – Insert
  • Open a Chat room – Alt + C


  • /noctrl – Enable you to attack continously without pressing Ctrl
  • /nc – Same as above
  • /noshift – Enable you to cure on undead without pressing Shift , Used when Healing Undeads and so.
  • /ns – Same as above
  • /help – Open a list of commands that you wont need for now
  • /leave – Leave a party
  • /organize – Create a party Need a certain level to do so
  • /where – shows the map and coordinate you are at
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