Tuesday, February 11

RO Swordman Leveling Guide : Revo-Classic & Re:Start

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Swordman is highest hp class in the game. They have skill Hp Recovery for increase effective of potion. And Bash is great to spam skill for fast leveling(If you have a lot of blue potion). Swordman is easy to play. It’s good for newbies player like Thief. Class 2 of swordman is Knight and Crusader.

Swordman Stat Build

1. Vit-Str-Dex. This is stat for Bowling Bash Knight. You should put some Dex for hit monster. It’s hard to play at the beginning (Novice to Knight). but when you are knight and have Bowling Bash skill. You can leveling faster than other class by spam BB skill. But this build need some budget for equipment.

2. Agi-Str-Dex. This is standard build for Agi style. It’s easy to play for newbies player. You can dodge some monster. If you want to be Agi-Knight or Agi-Crusader(or Critical Crusader), This build is for you.

Swordman Skill Guide

For skill guide of swordman. You can see detail in this link.

Ragnarok:RevoClassic Swordman Skill Guide

Novice Level 1 – 12

You should enter Novice Training Ground for Novice Red Potions 800 ea, Equipment and got some zeny. It’s use 20-30 min only but It’s will help you a lot.

Acolyte class change quest link.

Swordman Level 13 – 30

Go to Prontera and do Prontera Culvert Entrance quest. Prontera Culvert is a very good place for leveling and farming. You do not need any equipment just Novice Cutter from Traning Ground is enough. Or buy a new sword from DC Merchant. A good weapon make you can leveling faster.

You can check hit100% and flee95% by Hit&Flee Table.

Swordman Level 30 – 40

You can leveling with Muka, Hode, Poison Spore, Smokie, Coco, Caramel, Wolf, Savage, Orc Warrior, Orc Lady.

You can sell item to OC Merchant. And collect zeny to buy high Atk weapon from NPC. More Atk More Exp.

One-Hand Sword can buy at Prontera. Weapon shop is near center of town.
Tsurugi Atk 130 Price 51,000 (DC 38,760)
Ring Pommel Saber Atk 100 Price 24,000 (DC 18,240)

Two-Hand Sword can buy at Izlude. Weapon shop is near center of town.
Two-Handed Sword Atk 160 Price 60000 (DC 45,600)
Bastard Sword Atk 115 Price 22,500 (DC 17,100)

Swordman Level 40 – 50

Sandman is popular place to leveling. They drop R.Elu and good loot. And you can find Acolyte for party at this map.

Or you can go to Byalan3. Obeaune has good exp and they drop Saint’s Robe [1] and other good loot. You can stay here until Job 50.

If you want to hunt a lot of monsters. I recommend Male Thief Bug for you. Prontera Culvert is home of Male Thief Bug. You can pick up and sell everything. Male Thief Bug can sell at high price. Beware Golden Thief Bug.

Swordman Level 50 – 60(Job 50)

Argiope is good exp and they drop Boots [1]. Two-Hand Sword will atk Argiope(Large Size) 100%.

Toy Factory F2 is the best place for farming. Myst Case and Cruiser drops many valuable items like OBB, Pearl. Myst Case Card is good for newbie. And Cruiser Card is 1 of Archer set card.

Optional : Mummy, Zenorc, Sohee, Requiem.

Fast Lane Leveling

Leaf Cat on Ayothaya Field (ayo_fild02)
Leaf Cat has high Job exp (1212 Job Exp). And drop good loot like Fig Leaf(269z) or Huge Leaf(305z). It’s sound good but beware Wootan Fighter. You can kill Leaf Cat by spam Bash.
Ayothaya Dungeon Entrance Quest

Yes. Geoghaper. You can attack Geographer without potions. It’s trick. You should use spear weapon. Spear weapon increase range of attack 3 cell. It’s sound good.

Next Step

Agi Knight Build
Critical Knight Build
Holy Cross Crusader
Critical Crusader

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