Saturday, July 27

Arrow Crafting Quest and Where is Wormtail? : Ro RevoClassic

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Many people want to do Arrow Crafting Quest. But they don’t know where is wormtail? Today I will guide you to find Wormtail.


Where is Wormtail?

In RevoClassic server. Many monsters relocation from old memory. Wormtail is one of them. You can find Wormtail at Payon Forest (pay_fild11). There are 65 wormtail on this map.

Wormtail is here

How to go there?

Walk from Payaon : Payon (bottom warp) > pay_fild01 (left warp) > moc_fild03 (bottom warp) > pay_fild11.
Walk from Alberta : Alberta (top warp) > pay_fild03 (left warp) > pay_fild02 (left warp) > pay_fild11.

Arrow Crafting Quest

You can find NPC quest at Morroc town. He stands under coconut tree left of kafra(bottom).


Resin x 20 : Elder Willow.
Mushroom Spore x 7 : Spore, Poison Spore.
Pointed Scale x 41 : Wormtail.
Trunk x 13 : Elder Willow.
Red Potion x 1 : NPC Tool Dealer.

Note : If you are an Archer you must be at Job level 30 or higher to learn this skill. Hunter, Bard and Dancer can learn this skill.

I have more than 300 videos about Ro RevoClassic. I think my 2 years experiences in TRO may help you. Please subscribe Youtube Kamonway.

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